Thursday, July 15, 2010

Madge Bester 65 cm Short Women

Short women -- South Africa  South Africa
Madge Bester 65 cm in 1998. The seconde Short women in the world. (born April 26, 1963) is believed to be the world's shortest living woman. From South Africa, she measures 2 ft 1.5 in (65 cm) in height which was measured in 1991. Bester has osteogenesis imperfecta, which is characterized by brittle bones, and uses a wheelchair.Short women.

Short women: She has been a campaigner for disabled rights, holding a 1998 press conference on the issue accompanied by Lin Yih-Chih, the world's smallest man. Bester lives in a retirement village in Bloemfontein. Her mother Winnie, who died in 2001, also suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta and measured only 70 cm. Short women.

See also